Saturday, May 31, 2014

What Do I Know?

I really like thinking about types/seasons/color systems--it has been something either in the back of my mind or on the forefront since I was age 25. Finding my true colors and what I should do with clothes, hair is back on my mind again. What to do? 

Back then we all read the book, Color Me Beautiful by Carole Jackson and thought about whether we were Springs, Summers, Autumns, Winters. Since I loved Autumn best and all of those colors, I secretly hoped I was an Autumn. But no, I had a draping at J.C.Penney by a CMB specialist and she said I was a spring. (But I think she tossed a coin between Summer and Spring.) I tried following the Spring palette but it was difficult. I had trouble finding those colors and I didn't really look good in the reds, and just looked tired. But maybe I just was tired!  (I had two more boys by the time my oldest was six-years-old--yes, four boys!) 

This is me, about age 29, exhausted, with two boys around 20 months apart. But I'm wearing a "spring" sweater  by Liz Claiborne. Spring? 
Years later around age 40 I was draped by a Beauticontrol expert and she thought I was a Winter. I was due for a makeover and needed new clothes. Around that time I lost my mother and had moved (and moved away from most of my support system) and was having a tough time. I really needed a "lift." 

Age 40 at the funeral of my mother. Winter? I did wear a lot of black for several years. 
So I went along and about the time all of my boys were taking off, and I was doing some writing, I thought it was time for another makeover. I turned 50 and was doing a lot of writing columns and articles. I was told I needed head shots for my writing. I had a stylist cut and color my now graying hair and came up with this next photo. 

Age 50, doing writing and speaking, working as an officer in my local writing chapter. Not winter. Not spring? Not my natural color. But…did it work? Maybe? 

I then got another online "draping" by a very competent color analyst and was now learning about a 12-season system (she started training for a 16-season system in the middle of that) that got even closer to "your season." I was about 53 at this time and knew I was "fading." She looked at many photos, and decided I was a Light Summer!

I felt like this didn't even look like me! Really? 

By this time I was frustrated with more than just the season--finding clothes and trying to adjust to all these changes in my life was overwhelming. I wasn't really ready to hear that I'd changed "that much." It was now hair, hair color, clothes, clothing "style" and that fading color in skin and eyes too. What to do? I had never been able to wear pink before and it really bugged me because that was the "signature" color of Light Summer! 

I went looking late one night for another system and I did read up on the Sci-Art system, but couldn't decide on my own. That's when I found a "type" system and when I'd viewed all of the videos, I decided on one type by personality and face features and tried to "be that." I finally got a confirmation from the founder--and wasn't sure I could live like that. I kept trying but at least this time I could follow a system that also encompassed color/style/jewelry/makeup/hair! That was something I was looking for--simple rules and style.

But I kept coming back over and over and it just really bugged me. I then joined a really great group, but recently, I was overwhelmed by all the choices. Who am I? How am I living? What looks best and how do I bring it all together??

See if any of these are "me!" Will the real Crystal stand up? 

LOL!! And it comes down to several things I've discovered:

  • I have to love my hairstyle and the time it takes to do it. The color needs to suit me and my coloring now. 
  • I have to feel like the style of clothes fit my lifestyle. (Usually casual or business casual.) 
  • The jewelry must be stuff I love to wear (I know this one--silver pieces and they're usually "one of a kind" and distinctive and I like dangly earrings.)
  • I want to look healthy and like "me" and good in everything I have.
  • Things I wear should go with flip flops, sandals, boots or sporty shoes. I will wear heels for special events. 
  • Must be comfortable clothes, but not sloppy. I prefer a little bit of tailoring, and no ruffles, but it's ok to have lace. Very little pattern--NO BIG FLOWERS. 
  • I must be able to wear jeans, jean jackets,boots, my jewelry and bracelets and my wedding rings/Russian Orthodox cross ring.
  • I want to have a palette of colors to take with me, the right makeup and especially lipsticks, so everything just goes together! 

Is this too much to ask? I know I'm headed into a new phase of life and I'd just like to do it gracefully. And I'm pretty sure--I haven't felt like things are going gracefully yet.

With most of the above list, I feel like Summer is the right road--but Light Summer? Cool Summer? Soft Summer? And am I totally off-base? I feel pretty much like a T2. T2/1? T2/3? T2/4? or do I need to go back to Spring and just lighten everything? 

I think I'm ready now (and haven't been for a full year!) to face everything. What is it? Light seems right, but I'm not sure if I am warm still, or need to cool it down. 

Just tell me. Sigh.  


  1. I think you looked best in picture nr. 4.
    9 and the last one were also good.
    In picture nr.4 you looked stunning, natural, comfortable, and the colours og outfit and makeup harmonize with your own colours.

    1. Thank you for that input! Those are all T2! :)
